KOMMA (Korea Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association)




Major services of KOMMA reflect the meaning of association's foundation and existence
General Information
  • Creating demand
    and promoting sales
    for products
    of member
  • Promoting
    and exchange
    of Information
  • Promoting
    the exchange
    of Information and
    of new policies
  • Technical surveys,
    PR work and
  • Pursuing
    localization and
    of manufacturing
Creating demand and promoting sales for products of member companies

KOMMA organizes exhibition, SIMTOS (Seoul International Machine Tool Show) in Korea and participates in overseas machine tool shows in a bid to promote domestic machine tools both at home and abroad.

1. Organizing machine tool trade show
  • Seoul International Machine Tool Show (SIMTOS) biennially, in even years.
2. Organizing buyer delegation as well as Korean Pavilion to machine tool shows as follows.
  • EMO(Europe)
  • IMTS(U.S.A.)
  • CIMT & CIMES (China)
  • JIMTOF(Japan)
  • TIMTOS(Taiwan)
  • IMTEX(India)
3. Organizing trade mission to look for cooperation with other countries and export of machine tool to overseas.
Promoting international cooperation and exchange of Information

KOMMA creates mutual benefits between member companies by providing them with research results on state-ofthe- art technologies and management strategies. And we also encourage member companies to exchange information and collaborate with major overseas organizations related to the machine tool as well as industrial robot industry.

1. The annual Korean-Japanese Committee for Cooperation of Machine Tool Associations.
2. Coordinating Conference between Asian Machine Tool Builders' Associations (Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, India)
3. Regular machine tool statistics exchange with international associations(CECIMO, GARDNER Publications Inc, AMT, JMTBA, VDW)
Pursuing localization and improvement of manufacturing technology

KOMMA addresses temporary issues by organizing committees in various industrial fields to share ideas and trends among member companies. We organize eight-monthly committee meetings which suggest new policies to the relevant organizations and even government.

1. KOMMA hosts seminars on trends and perspectives in the field of machine tools
  • International seminars on machine tool technologies
  • International Symposium on Machine Tools & Manufacturing Technology co-organized by Korea Society of Machine Tool Engineers
  • Seminars on the perspectives of the machine tool industry
  • Machine Tool Engineering Design Technology Forum
  • Press workshop in which the industries, academic and research institutions can actively participate
2. KOMMA promotes standardization of machine tools
  • Joining the standardization project, conducted by the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards, MKE.
    Management and PR work for ISO.(International Standardization Organization)
  • Carrying out the ISO's standardization work
  • Organizing the ISO Committee meetings
  • Operating the Secretariat of ISO / TC39 and SC2 (for machine tools)
  • Operating the Secretariat of ISO / TC184 and SC2 (for industrial robots)
  • Research on the Reliance of Intelligent High-Speed Processors (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials)
3. Survey and PR work on patented technology, standardization and standardized data
Technical surveys, PR work and publiccations

KOMMA collects and analyzes a wide range of statistics on machine tools, and provides its member companies and relevant organizations with the data.

1. Survey and analysis on trends in machine tool industry
  • Orders, productions, inventories, trade (export-import) trends by machine type and country
2. The publicity Campaign for Machine Tool Industry
3. KOMMA publishes and promotes the following publications with research and analytical data on the machine tools and the industrial robot industry
  • publications, 'Machine Tools'
  • Machine Tool Statistics Handbook
  • Set-up of the data base system for machine tool statistics and its on-line services
  • Yearly publications, 'Korean Machine Tool Industry'
  • KOMMA's Activity Report and KOMMA Members Directory
  • English version of publications to help member companies with exports
  • The annual Korean Machine Tool Industry